Remove Admin Invoice PDF Download Icon
This snippet removes the PDF download icon for the Admin Invoice in the order list on the Vendor Dashboard. I don’t have use for the vendor to be able to download more than the customer invoice and packing slip, and am kind of not sure what the “Admin Invoice” is used for anyways.
As always, this is either added to your Child Theme’s functions.php file, or consider using the My Custom Functions Pro plugin to manage and organize all your snippets.
add_filter('wcmp_pdf_invoices_order_vendor_actions', 'remove_wcmp_pdf_invoices_order_vendor_actions');
function remove_wcmp_pdf_invoices_order_vendor_actions($pdf_action){
return $pdf_action;
Tested and working on Woocommerce 4.6.1, WCMp 3.5.10
Is this no longer relevant or not working? Please let us know in the comments!