Remove Bulk Order Status Change Options

This snippet will unset and remove the specified option from the bulk order status change dropdown box on the Vendor-Orders list page. On my site, I have no use for making orders have the status of On Hold, so I removed that option here and elsewhere. Further, I simply used Loco Translate to change and simplify the wording of the other choices, but it could be done similarly with the other snippets and this one as well.

As always, this is either added to your Child Theme’s functions.php file, or consider using the My Custom Functions Pro plugin to manage and organize all your snippets.

add_filter('wcmp_bulk_actions_vendor_order_list', 'remove_wcmp_bulk_order_status_change_options');

function remove_wcmp_bulk_order_status_change_options($arr) {
    unset($arr['mark_on-hold']);  // Choose which to unset
    return $arr;

Tested and working on Woocommerce 4.6.1, WCMp 3.5.10

Is this no longer relevant or not working? Please let us know in the comments!

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