Reorder the Main Vendor Dashboard Menu

This snippet allows you to customize the Vendor Dashboard’s menu order. On my site, it seemed to make more sense to have them in a little different order. The instructions are embedded in the code.

As always, this is either added to your Child Theme’s functions.php file, or consider using the My Custom Functions Pro plugin to manage and organize all your snippets.

add_filter('wcmp_vendor_dashboard_nav', 'reorder_wcmp_dash_nav');
function reorder_wcmp_dash_nav( $nav ) {
   * $nav is an array set of dashboard menu.
   * Default Dashboard nav position is 0, others are positioned at a difference of 10 priority.
   * Available menus and their positions:
   * dashboard - 0
   * store-settings - 10
   * vendor-products - 20
   * vendor-promte - 30
   * vendor-report - 40
   * vendor-orders - 50
   * vendor-payments - 60
   * vendor-knowledgebase - 70
   * vendor-tools - 80
    $nav['vendor-orders']['position'] = 3; // or set it according to your need. -1 will set it at the top, while any number between 11-19 will set it below Store Settings and 1-9 below Dashboard but above Store Settings.
    $nav['vendor-knowledgebase']['position'] = 5; // or set it according to your need. -1 will set it at the top, while any number between 11-19 will set it below Store Settings and 1-9 below Dashboard but above Store Settings.
    $nav['store-settings']['position'] = 65; // or set it according to your need. -1 will set it at the top, while any number between 11-19 will set it below Store Settings and 1-9 below Dashboard but above Store Settings.
  return $nav;

Tested and working on Woocommerce 4.6.1, WCMp 3.5.10

Is this no longer relevant or not working? Please let us know in the comments!

3 thoughts on “Reorder the Main Vendor Dashboard Menu

  1. Hi there. Your work is amazing! Helped me finally make the website as I needed it. Is there also a way to change the order on Add Product page? It makes more sense to write the product description in the end and have first to choose the product categories, then the attributes and variation and final the description.

    Also, I have two ways to show product categories. One is by showing them as e-commerce and so I have a long list with options and then is the NON-e-commerce where you can choose ONLY one category. Since that doesn’t work for me, I chose to show them as an e-commerce but I would prefer it if I could make it easier for the vendor to choose them by organizing them in different columns where each column will be a different categorization. In my case, Prints, Collections, Print size etc.

    Thank you in advance!

    1. Hello! For the first one, I believe you would have to override the template and change the order. I would post in the WCMp support forum… they’re often willing to provide code or a good suggestion. For this site, I’ve mostly just compiled what I’ve found and use on my site to make it easier for people to use. Second question… I don’t have a clue! Sorry! But again maybe WCMp could help. Good luck and I’m glad you’ve found the site useful so far. -Chris

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